Come see me on Patreon! You can get access to the PDFs with membership. If you plan on reading both, it's cheaper to get a single month of mid-tier for 10/m and I will get a bigger percentage of that. 


These two stand alone, or they can go together. While they were not originally intended to be a pair, Morgan plays a major roll in both. If you want to do that, I recommend the order as listed.

The Wyrd Vibes of Hawthorn Park

The Wyrd Vibes of Hawthorn Park

Genre: YA Romance/Urban Fantasy
Summary: An exploration of broken trust and redemption set on an American college campus, infused with re-imagined Irish folklore.
Style: Casual first-person present tense, with contemporary 2020-25 slang.
Themes include:

  • The relationships between lore, literature, and rap music.
  • Humanizing the "stupid girl" and "bad boy" tropes.
  • The damaging effects of excessive guilt-mongering.
  • Drugs, both prescription and otherwise.
  • The philosophy of non-conformity, norms, relativism, right and wrong.
  • Mental illness.

Trigger warnings: Discussion of and almost attempted r@pe (off-screen), slavery, light torture, swearing, unpopular opinions that may differ from yours, a general lack of respect or sensitivity (as one might expect from two college buddies chatting privately and/or the Winter fae), morbid ideation, and lastly, foul language. If you can't comfortably listen to Eminem, then you may experience some discomfort. ^_^

Additional notes: The fae in my story are faeries, not fairies. Their morality reflects that. Please keep in mind that just because I discuss or defend a viewpoint, it doesn't necessarily mean I hold that viewpoint myself.



Find it on Amazon!

Marry, Kill, Fuck

Coming Soon!!!

Genre: 18+ Romance
Summary: An APD spectrum vampire becomes fixated on a christian girl and also acquires a boyfriend. She's cool with it. Her family though? Traditional Christians. The vampire learns to love in his own way. (And I don't mean suddenly becoming normative.)
Themes include:

  • Alternative relationships
  • ASPD 
  • The damaging effects of purity culture
  • Drugs, both prescription and otherwise.
  • The definition of love
  • Mental illness.

Trigger warnings: Discussion of molestation and attempted r@pe, slavery, domestic violence, gore, swearing, unpopular opinions that may differ from yours, morbid ideation, open discussion on mensuration "adult themes" XXX



Find it on Amazon! Marry, Kill, Fuck by Vanta Blackrose

or become a member on my Patrion. ^ _^






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